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People: our best resource

In 2022 the CVA Group grew from 600 to 647 employees (with a recruitment rate of 8.8%). Almost all of its people are employed full-time (vs. 1.85% part-time) under open-ended contracts.

In terms of gender, the company employee population is 74% male and 26% female, but in new entries (57) the percentage is similar (47% female, 53% male). Most employees are between 30 and 50 years old (68%). The under-30s are 6%, the over-50s 26%.


Working safely

CVA offers its people a safe, challenging, welcoming, inclusive and engaging work environment. Training programmes and projects on these topics developed by the Group contribute to the continuous improvement of personnel well-being.


accidents out of 1,013,083 hours worked


severity index


reports of occupational diseases

The well-being of our people

A positive, stimulating working environment is not only an opportunity for growth and motivation for people, but also a strategic lever for the sustainable development of companies. CVA is committed to offering a range of benefits, from support for family income, study, parenting, disability and invalidity insurance coverage, to recreational associations and commercial benefits.


smart working days per week for remote workers


euro additional one-off bonus for each employee in 2022


additional weeks of smart working for new parents


Training as a strategic lever

Training is considered a key lever of development – particularly in view of the Group’s strategic plan, the implementation of which requires which incremental staff growth. Health and safety at work, together with upskilling and reskilling for skills development, were the focus of the most popular training programmes.


high-level courses available through the Udemy Business platform


hours of training delivered through language platforms


hours of health, safety and environment training

Shared well-being

Building shared value with the community and stakeholders is a central objective of CVA’s sustainability strategy. Having a positive impact on the areas in which we operate also starts with the choice of local suppliers, so as to create a virtuous economic circle in which everyone grows together.

1.5 billion €

total distributed economic value

37 mln €

purchases in the area


companies from Valle d’Aosta among suppliers


Together with the community and young people

CVA champions the Aosta Valley, its community, and its ecosystem in many ways. First and foremost, through local promotion and environmental awareness initiatives aimed at preserving such a fragile environment. Then, of course, there is the educational sector and the focus on the youngest, who benefit from and in turn spread the positive values enshrined in various initiatives, such as the LabEnergie project, to explain the scientific and environmental aspects of CVA’s work. Finally, there is no sustainability without physical and mental wellbeing, which is also achieved through sport: this is why CVA has also decided to support some interesting outdoor sports projects, with a keen eye to accessibility and inclusiveness, carried out with the Giri d’Energia, eBikeTour and Bouldering Kids projects. 


economic value donated


students reached by the “Growing Renewable” project


 participants registered for eBiketour Evolution III